A Entrepreneurial Space Designed
For nurses, By Nurses!

Mastermind Groups

Mastermind Groups Members challenge each other to set strong goals, and more importantly, to accomplish them. Through the mastermind group process, you create a goal, then design a plan to achieve it. The group helps you with creative ideas and wise decisions-making. Your mastermind group is like having an objective board of directors, a success team, and a peer advisory group — all rolled into one.

Mastermind Value


By leveraging the experience of like-minded individuals who are driven, ambitious, and share similar goals, you create a supportive environment that fosters growth, learning, and success.


By leveraging the experience of like-minded individuals who are driven, ambitious, and share similar goals, you create a supportive environment that fosters growth, learning, and success.


The collective knowledge, experience, and motivation of the group members become catalysts for your personal and professional development, accelerating your progress, helping you achieve greater levels of success and reaching your goals.

Are you ready to challenge your thinking and take action?

Schedule a call to best determine a group that is the best fit to meet your goals!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The term "mastermind" itself refers to the collective intelligence and synergy that emerges when individuals come together to share ideas, knowledge, and support in pursuit of common goals. Mastermind groups have been around for several decades, with their origins traced back to the early 20th century. A mastermind group is a small, intimate gathering of individuals who come together regularly to support and challenge each other in achieving their personal and professional goals. The group typically consists of individuals who share common interests, ambitions, or industries.

In a mastermind group, members actively participate in discussions, offer insights, share experiences, and provide feedback to help one another overcome obstacles and make progress. The purpose is to tap into the collective wisdom and expertise of the group, leveraging different perspectives and experiences to generate new ideas and strategies.

Mastermind groups often follow a semi-structured format, with each member having the opportunity to present their goals, challenges, or questions to the group. Members then offer suggestions, advice, and resources based on their own expertise and experiences. The group dynamic fosters accountability, motivation, and growth.

In a mastermind group, there are certain expectations from participants to help ensure the group fosters growth while promoting a safe environment. We require that each and every member stay true to the following:

-Active Participation: Members are expected to actively engage in group discussions, contribute their insights, share their experiences, and offer support to others. Active participation helps create a vibrant and dynamic group dynamic.
-Confidentiality: Trust and confidentiality are crucial in a mastermind group. Members are expected to maintain confidentiality, respecting the personal and professional information shared within the group. This allows for open and honest discussions without fear of information being shared outside the group.  

-Commitment and Attendance: Regular attendance and commitment to the group's meetings and activities are important expectations. Members should make an effort to attend meetings consistently, be punctual, and notify the group in advance if they are unable to attend a session.  

-Preparation: It is generally expected that members come prepared for the meetings. This may involve setting goals, identifying challenges or questions, and being ready to actively engage in discussions. Preparation ensures that the group's time is used effectively and that members can provide valuable input to others.  

-Respectful and Constructive Feedback: Offering feedback is a crucial aspect of a mastermind group. Members are expected to provide feedback in a respectful and constructive manner, focusing on helping each other grow and overcome challenges. Constructive criticism and diverse perspectives can be immensely valuable for personal and professional development.  

-Accountability: Each member is responsible for being accountable to themselves and the group. This includes setting goals, sharing progress, and actively working towards their objectives. Members can expect to be held accountable by the group, which helps maintain focus and motivation.  Support and Encouragement: Mastermind groups thrive on a supportive and encouraging environment. Members are expected to offer support, celebrate each other's successes, and provide encouragement during difficult times. This positive atmosphere fosters growth and resilience.

Each Mastermind group runs approximately 6-weeks and meets virtually for 90-minutes every week. Outside of the weekly virtual meetings, the time spent is defined by the participant. We recommend 5-10 hours each week for preparation, goal setting, action planning, and accountability-related activities. This should allow you to make progress and fully engage with the opportunities provided by the mastermind group. Remember that the time you invest outside of the scheduled meetings is an essential component of leveraging the benefits of the group and achieving your desired outcomes.

Confidentiality is a huge component of each and every Mastermind group therefore we do not record the meetings. We suggest you watch this brief video called "The Power of a Mastermind Group" to get a better feel for the value. Check it out below.

If you are ready to take action to grow

Then join our Mastermind Group 

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